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The latest rules, he great bar opening debate continues leaving all in limbo. Live off takeaways, golf course may open

DAY 341 Spanish news. Restrictions in the Valencian Community: this will be the de-escalation after the extension. The anticovid measures in Alicante, Valencia and Castellón will be extended for 15 more days from this Tuesday. Countdown to de-escalation in the Valencian Community.

THE LATEST UP TO DATE RULES Restrictions in the Valencian Community: this will be the de-escalation after the extension. The anticovid measures in Alicante, Valencia and Castellón will be extended for 15 more days from this Tuesday. Countdown to de-escalation in the Valencian Community. The extension for 15 more days of the restrictions to stop the pandemic of covid-19 in the Valencian Community starts this Tuesday, February 16. With this, the Consell study also begins on how the de-escalation process will be in the provinces of Alicante, Valencia and Castellón. A process that will be slow and gradual, "without precipitation", as Ximo Puig, president of the Generalitat, warned last week.

The restrictions of the Valencian Community that are extended until March 1

The objective is to drastically lower the incidence of the coronavirus in autonomy and for this the regional Executive will take all the necessary precautions. In fact, just a few days ago, the vice president of the Generalitat, Mónica Oltra, pushed the de-escalation away and flatly refused to loosen the anticovid restrictions in the territory of the Valencian Community because, as she said, a fourth wave "would be a cataclysm."

Coronavirus in Valencian Community: restrictions and de-escalation

The de-escalation in the Valencian Community will begin to take shape with the meeting between the Consell and the hospitality industry, one of the worst hit sectors. The meeting, which was born with the vocation to begin to outline the long-awaited climb in Alicante, Castellón and Valencia, took place yesterday, Tuesday. In it, the hoteliers will demand the reopening of the terraces, that the interiors can be used at 50% of their capacity and that the limit is established at eight diners per table. Before the current restrictions, bars and restaurants worked with a third of the capacity, 50% on the terraces, four people per table and closed at 5:00 p.m.

Currently, the restrictions in Alicante and the rest of the Valencian Community maintain all the hospitality with the blind down and the closing of the shops at six in the afternoon, except for those considered essential. These are, among others, the measures against the coronavirus in Valencian soil:

Closing of bars and restaurants.

Shops close at 6:00 p.m., except essentials.

Closure of sports facilities.

Perimeter closure of cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants during weekends and holidays.

Prohibition of meeting more than 2 people who are not cohabiting.

Curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Perimeter closure of the entire Valencian Community.

Alicante extends anticovid measures: parks and municipal premises, closed at 6 pm

The bipartisan maintains the restrictions to face the pandemic after the recent decision of the Generalitat Valenciana to extend the limitations until March 1

INSURERS FORCED TO PAY BAR OUT 6000 EUROS Insurers tremble after a ruling that requires compensation to a pizzeria for losses during confinement. The ruling opens the door to a wave of complaints from the hospitality industry. The insurance must pay 6,000 euros for the closure caused by the state of alarm. The Girona Provincial Court orders SegurCaixa Adeslas to pay 6,000 euros to a pizzeria for the loss of profits as a result of the stoppage of the activity motivated by the confinement. The ruling opens the door to a wave of claims from the thousands of companies that throughout Spain had to close during the state of alarm.

Until now, insurers breathed easy because their business policies did not take care of the problems caused by the closures of activity decreed by the state of alarm, approved in March of last year. The Provincial Court of Girona has turned this reality around with a pioneering ruling that will affect the thousands of businesses affected by the restrictions on hospitality. The magistrate Fernando Lacaba has ruled that the insurance company SegurCaixa Adeslas will have to pay compensation of 6,000 euros to a Girona pizzeria for the "stoppage of activity" as a result of the confinement decreed by the first state of alarm applied by the Government.

The sentence was advanced last week El Punt Avui and is the first judicial ruling in this regard. The business owner signed on February 13, 2020, just one month before the outbreak of the pandemic, a SegurCaixa Business policy with Adeslas, which included coverage for the "loss of profits" and the "stoppage of activity" in the that a compensation of 200 euros a day was set for a maximum period of 30 days. The business owner claimed 6,000 euros from the insurer.

The insurer rejected the request, claiming that the policy did not specify that "the costs of stoppage derived from a government resolution in the face of a pandemic" would be covered. Faced with the refusal, the pizzeria filed a lawsuit.

In the first instance, a Girona court ruled in favour of the insurer. But the owners of the pizzeria resorted to higher instances. Magistrate Lacaba acknowledges that the policy does not expressly contemplate the paralysis section due to a governmental resolution in the event of a pandemic, but "the insured has their business interrupted and their income reduced, and precisely because of this, ... we are faced with a clear limitation of rights of the insured in an adhesion contract, therefore, its validity and enforceability would be conditioned to the fulfillment of the specific requirements, to appear highlighted in a special way in the policy, "according to the sentence. For what the magistrate understands that the policy covered "the loss of benefits and the stoppage of the activity."

"The fact that the policy examined does not expressly contemplate, the coverage of the risk referred to the stoppage of the business due to the pandemic, imposes that its exclusion in the general conditions by the insurer, claimed the requirements of article 3 of the Contract Law of Insurance (to be highlighted in a special way and written acceptance of the insured) and this, by application of the principles, referred to the natural content of the insurance contract and the expectations that the insured could have, when I accept the policy to see covered, in a way states, 'Loss of profits / Stoppage of activity.' Judge Lacaba has relied on judgments from the United Kingdom and France. "In the United Kingdom a ruling has recently been issued by the regulator and certain insurers in which it pronounces on the effectiveness of a multitude of clauses in this regard and also in France the courts have ruled on the claims made on this same issue ( coverage of parts d'explotation or operating losses), although with divergent pronouncements. The ruling could open the door to a wave of claims by the thousands of companies that throughout Spain had to close during the state of alarm decreed by COVID-19, which lasted between March 15 and June 21, 2020.

TAKEAWAYS SAVE THE DAY When the weekend takeaway home delivery saves the month.

Some establishments in the province are still standing thanks to the take-out service and admit that "thanks to the volume of orders we have been able to keep the workforce"

The time when the curfew begins in Alicante has just arrived and the streets of a city where the bustle of bars is characteristic are now desert. The sound of a motorcycle can be sensed from afar. It is their turn, those in charge of entertaining the nights of a weekend marked by the perimeter closure and distributing that dinner that is so much desired throughout the city, and that due to sanitary restrictions it is impossible to consume in any other way. The weekend home delivery is saving the month for catering establishments in Alicante, who say that the only gain they have achieved is keeping their entire staff hired.

Hundreds of restaurants in the province have had to reinvent themselves in order to survive these tough times marked by the closure of the hotel and catering industry, where the only way to make ends meet is with home delivery, more specifically thanks to volume of demand they have on weekends. "The situation now is not like it used to be, but at least with the box we make on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays we have not had to fire anyone, something that for us is a luxury", says Jesús, the owner of a typical hamburger restaurant in Elche with more than ten years of life.

Likewise, Manuel, head of a hamburger franchise in Alicante, points out the difficulty they are having to make the month profitable in establishing it, where his main satisfaction lies in the fact that he fully maintains his staff. “Yes, there are many more orders than before the restrictions, however, they are not at all close to the previous billing. On weekends most of the volume is concentrated, on the other hand during the week and especially for meals the orders are very few, those days it is very difficult for us to reach the minimum, "he points out.

Many of these home delivery establishments coincide in the need they have found with this new form of service by having to invest in good packaging so as not to miss having dinner in a restaurant and a quick delivery so that the customer returns to order dinner at that place. "We have had to invest in a type of aluminum foil with greaseproof inside that maintains the heat of our products for much longer," says the person in charge of another successful burger joint in Elche.

GOLF COURSES MAY OPEN UP Health is committed to the golf courses to study a possible reopening. The Association of Fields of the Costa Blanca transfers to the councillor Barceló the bankruptcy that implies the closure from January 21. The Association of Golf Courses of the Costa Blanca has started conversations with the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, to try to unblock the closure of the courses in the province, closed since January 21 and observing how many players, locals and tourists, they are going to other provinces where the activity is allowed. Those responsible for the association with its president, Salvador Lucas, at the head, have told Barceló that golf is a safe activity against covid, as it takes place outdoors and with a limited number of players, and they have asked him, therefore, allow them to reopen. Economically, this forced closure is creating a real disaster, since a golf course works with a "living component" such as the grass, its fauna and flora, which must continue to be maintained, whether the activity is open or closed. At stake, 9,400 jobs and 745 million euros of annual economic impact. The closure of the golf courses threatens 7,000 jobs in the province. The closure of the golf courses in the Valencian Community since last January 21 is posing a drama for the sector, whose athletes are forced to move to the neighbouring autonomies where the golf courses remain open. During the meeting, the golf representatives of C.V. They stated that this sport is totally safe to be practiced in natural spaces and outdoors, without any physical contact, without public, in very small groups and with enormous safety distances. Golf is practiced from an early age to advanced age, and it has been declared heart healthy and very beneficial both physically and psychically, especially for the most vulnerable group such as our elders, who find golf one of the few physical activities that they can practice with the peace of mind of not being exposed to covid.

CHINESE HOROSCOPE 2021: What animal are you and what does the year of the Ox hold for you? After the hard months we left behind, with the coronavirus crisis still unsolved, 2021 is presented as a time for overcoming and hope. The Chinese New Year festival kicks off on February 12 and welcomes the Year of the Ox, which will end on January 31, 2022. After the difficult year we left behind, with the coronavirus crisis still unsolved and tough personal stories but with much improvement, 2021 is presented as a year for the consolidation of work, success and hope. Learn about the predictions for each animal in the Chinese Horoscope zodiac in this new Chinese calendar cycle that says goodbye to the Year of the Rat (2020) and welcomes the Year of the Ox.


(Those born in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

It seems that the economic problems will come to an end for the oxen. As it is their year, this year will be favorable for the natives of this sign. They will remain stable in the face of difficulties and this will make progress professionally visible during this 2021.


(Those born in 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 and 2020)

If this year can be more "relaxing" for the oxen, the rats, on the other hand, will have to overcome the occasional financial setback. However, the good year that they could have during 2020 in this sense can serve as a cushion until things settle down, since the prognosis is for improvement.


(Those born in 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

This year is not going to be entirely easy for the natives of El Tigre. You are going to have to face a host of challenges that will only show how strong you are in the face of adversity. Do not give up!


(Those born in 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

The rabbits are going to have a good 2021, according to the Chinese horoscope prediction. Your hard work and perseverance will finally bear fruit this year. Of course, remember that despite how important work is, health is also important: take care of your sleep hours, especially, and keep the impulses to eat as healthy as possible at bay.


(Those born in 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Dragons, like the previous zodiac sign, are going to have a good year in 2021. You are going to achieve the professional success that you longed for so much and that it has cost you so much effort to achieve.


(Those born in 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Sometimes you are a bit lazy, snake, and that can bring you some trouble. Perhaps this year you will find yourself with some financial difficulty that will make you wake up from that "lethargy" in which those around you surprise you so many times. You are going to learn a lot this new year. For the rest, if you maintain your serenity and focus on the people you love, you will be able to enjoy as much as you like.


(Those born in 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

For the Caballo it will not be very good, nor very bad. However, you should not find only negative connotations in this prediction: You will realize many things and become stronger than you already are, horse. If you are in love, you may have to face a difficult conflict, however, be cautious and listen to those who accompany you on the way, because you are going to become stronger.


(Those born in 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Dear goats, you are going to have to face many problems this year of the Ox. But don't worry, because it will only be at the beginning. Creativity, perseverance and good work will be key for you to solve everything quickly and this year will become a stage full of great things that you will always remember.


(Those born in 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

For the monkeys it is going to be a prosperous and happy year in every way: daily life, love, work ... They are going to encounter difficulties, yes. But they will solve them easily. Little more to add: keep it up, you're doing well.


(Those born in 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

A great year for the natives under the sign of the Rooster, that is what the Chinese Horoscope 2021 predicts. Professionally it will be a very good year and both your family and your friends will be there to support you and be happy for you. In love you can't complain either, and you're starting to notice that. Congratulations, rooster!


(Those born in 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

You are going to have to organize yourself, you know: Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, dog. The Chinese zodiac sign predicts a difficult year for dogs in terms of accumulating tasks, and although you carry a lot of backpack due to the difficulties that 2020 has left for you, you will solve them successfully and with an incredible learning in the final section.


(Those born in 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

The natives under the sign of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope are going to have a good year in business and work. However, they must remember that, just as they are demanding with themselves, they must be with others: do not accept less than what you give unless your good heart sees that it is time to help the other person. Happy New Year!

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