What currency does Montenegro use

What currency does Montenegro use
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A visit to Montenegro with its beautiful coastline and mountains could be your best vacation yet, but you won't get far on your trip without the right kind of money! You may be preparing to get accustomed to a strange, Balkan currency, but, in fact, the country uses something much more common. The euro!

If you've travelled in Europe before, then you may be familiar with this currency already. The euro is the legal tender for most countries in the EU. Though Montenegro is not a member of the EU (at least, not yet), they were still allowed to base their economy on the euro.

Luckily, the euro is a stable currency and can be much easier to deal with than other foreign coinage. Even if you're familiar with the money, here are some things to consider when it comes to spending with euros.

Where Do I Get Euros?

What currency does Montenegro use

Most places will have ATMs and note exchange stations. Especially in tourist destinations, it’s made easy for you to get a hold of the right bills -after all, they want you to spend it there as much as you do!

Credit and debit cards can also streamline your purchases away from home. It's best if you carry well-known cards, like MasterCard or Visa as more places will be likely to accept it. Though in remote locations, depending solely on your cards might become an issue.

If you're more of a meticulous planner when it comes to international trips or you just want to be sure you have enough cash on you, you can always make the exchange with your bank or order online before you leave home.

What’s the Value of a Euro?

The exchange rate for dollars to euros is $1.00 to €0.84. Depending on where or how you're making the exchange, a fee could apply so oftentimes it's best to get what you need all at once instead of constantly returning to make exchanges.

Sometimes the hardest part of handling foreign finances is conceptualizing the values in your head before deciding if that souvenir you want is cheap or outrageously overpriced. Fortunately, if you're used to dollars, euros aren’t too different.

Since the exchange rate is so close, there’s no pesky multiplying or comparing to understand how much you're spending. If that item you're buying to take back to your mother is €10, then it’s worth $11.85. Knowing that the prices in euros are in the ballpark of what they would be in dollars makes it harder to overspend. Unless you want to, of course.

Montenegro has a lot to offer to its visitors. Gorgeous beaches, magnificent mountain views, and straightforward funds that you can easily get a hold of and plan to spend however it suits you!

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